Following in his sisters’ footsteps, here is Morrison’s journal page. It won’t really be his own personal musings, obviously. We just thought that would be a catchy title. Follow along to see what life as a boy is like in this household – something new and different for sure!
(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)
January 10, 2022
Tooth #7 is out! It was the right front pointy one next to your front tooth, and we’d been waiting for that thing to get out since I noticed that the grown-up front tooth was coming in directly above it and the little one was totally in its way. You got it out all by yourself again – great job, kiddo!
January 27, 2022
We finally got to have Open House at school again tonight, and I loved it so much!! I took you, Lana, and Della to see all the work you’ve been doing in your classrooms, and I didn’t realize how much I miss that part since we weren’t able to have it last year. Thankfully we got it in just about a month before everything shut down in 2020. Just like your sisters did when they were in 1st grade, you guys made your Official Open House Tour Guide ribbons on lanyards to wear while you showed us around your room. I’m so sorry I didn’t take any pictures this year! We were kind of rushed through everything, though, because they had families divided up by last name into just half hour time slots to try to keep some distance between everyone while in the school. So we only had 30 minutes to do all the checklists in both your room and Lana’s and see your work in the hallways outside your classrooms, and we didn’t even have a chance to go downstairs to see any artwork down by the art room. But I still loved it anyway. You were so proud showing me everything at your table, in your seat-back pocket, and around your class, that your excitement was palpable. You are an amazing little boy and student, my love. You have every right to be proud – always keep that!
February 6, 2022
We got your winter STAR testing results back last week, and you did amazing! You scored in the 99th percentile for math and 97th percentile for reading. Incredible job, kiddo.
February 7, 2022
I’ve said it before, but you have about the biggest heart of anyone I know. Today after school, you almost immediately hopped on Lana’s tablet and gave her all this help in the monkey game you guys play. You two had been talking about it on the ways to and from school, and you were so excited to give her all the tips you know because you’re pretty much a whiz at it. You were elated when you got done, and you kept saying how good it made you feel to help her so much. You are such a helper, and playing with and making your sisters happy is one of the best things in your world. You also told me that Ms. Madsen said you are one of the kindest kids in your class. I believe that 100%, because I know how kind and helpful you’ve been to all the friends in your classes since you started school. I am so proud of you, my love. Always keep that beautiful, kind spirit of yours.
March 3, 2022
We had your music concert at school tonight, and I absolutely loved being back in the building to see you guys perform! Your grade had a bedtime theme, so you were excited to get to wear your pj’s to school at night. You were so cute up on stage, and I could tell how much fun you were having. I’m so proud of you, my love!

May 7, 2022
I’m about a month and a half late with this, but you learned to “swim” down at Grandma and Grandpa’s house in Florida over spring break! I think it was our second day there, and suddenly you were able to get all the way across the pool with no floats on! I was really impressed. You were so determined to get rid of those arm floaties, and you did it. Great job, kiddo, I’m very proud of you! You’re now in your level 2 swim lessons again, and I have a good feeling you’ll pass and move up to level 3 after this round now that you can do that.
May 28, 2022
You pulled tooth #8 out at Grandma and Grandpa’s this morning – great job, kiddo!

May 31, 2022
Happy 7th birthday, my sweet boy!! You are one amazing human – incredibly smart, blazingly fast and athletic, goofier than anyone I know, and the kindest kid I’ve ever met. You never hesitate to go out of your way to be nice to someone, and you have no idea how special and important that is. I just realized that you’re still holding up 6 fingers in your birthday morning photo, but that’s ok. You’re officially 7! 😀 I love you so much, my first little boy – you changed my life forever the moment you were born.

June 10, 2022
Happy last day of 1st grade! You had an absolutely wonderful year with Ms. Madsen, and I can’t wait to see where all of your school days take you. I got you and your sisters Prodigy math memberships for your “summer break gift,” and you guys all immediately started playing it right away this afternoon after school. I must be doing something right as a parent if the first thing you guys want to do on summer break is play math games! I love you so much, kiddo – happy summer vacation, my new 2nd grader!

June 11, 2022
You passed level 2 of swim lessons this morning, so you will be moving up to level 3 the next time we sign up. Great job, kiddo!
August 6, 2022
You are so cute, my love. Today you told Miss Amy, our next-door neighbor, that if you have a daughter, you’re going to name her either Scarlett Julia or Scarlett Daffodil. You often talk about when you’re a dad and the kids you’ll have, and I just know you’ll be an amazing parent. I love you so much, my sweet boy.
August 17, 2022
We had your 7-year well check today, and here are your official stats:
- Height: 4′ 3.75″ (93%)
- Weight: 59 lbs. 3.2 oz. (79%)
- BMI: 15.54 (50%)
- Blood Pressure: 96/58
Everything looked great and healthy!
August 26, 2022
You are so proud of yourself, kiddo – you’ve been riding your yellow bike like crazy lately, and yesterday you ran into the back yard so excited to tell me that you rode around the block 3 times without stopping! Great job, my love!! I’m so happy you hopped back on it recently, because you hadn’t ridden all summer before this and I was afraid you wouldn’t remember how very well. Worry gone, you’re doing awesome!
September 2, 2022
Happy Roaring Start day, my love! You get to meet Ms. Makela today for your hour-ish session, and you’re so ready to get back in school!

September 7, 2022
Happy first day of 2nd grade, my sweet boy! You are going to have an incredible year, I can already tell. You have a ton of friends in your class, and you’re SO excited to get back to school. I love it. And I love you, SO much! Have the most fantastic year yet!!

October 31, 2022
Happy Halloween, my love. Unfortunately, you had to spend this evening getting a filling. We went in for a regular dentist appointment for you, which you love, but then your weak tooth they’ve been watching ended up finally having enough decay that it needed to be filled. I could tell you were nervous and didn’t like the process at all, which I don’t either, but you did awesome. The dentist did have to do quite a bit of drilling and rounding out simply because its lack of enamel has made it pretty weak. They put this medicine in your tooth before the filling went in to kill any more decay and strengthen the tooth itself, too, but it also ends up turning that part of your tooth black. So you were excited to show your siblings your new filling and your black tooth!
November 14, 2022
You are Spotlight Student this week, and you can’t wait to give your little presentation to your classmates on Thursday. We printed out some pictures for you to put on the class bulletin board, and you took your mini chess set in to describe something about yourself. Also, I got a call from the assistant principal this afternoon that made me unbelievably proud of you, yet again. She said at one of the recesses another classmate came up behind you while you guys were playing jackpot, a catching game, and he wrapped his arms around your neck, kind of choking you. You told him it hurt and was too rough for your game, and he apologized. Someone told the playground supervisor, who told your teacher, who told the office, and they called you, the other kid, and some other players in to find out what had happened. Apparently he’d done this to other kids, too, but the assistant principal was so impressed with how you handled yourself and the situation, said they definitely celebrated your behavior, and was so proud of you for your reaction. I almost started crying on the phone I was so happy that she told me all this. Your pure heart and penchant for good has never waivered, my love, and I told you how important it is to always keep that and stay true to you. You are one of the most amazing kids I’ve ever known.