More kids, more pages on this blog. This, however, will certainly be the last one. Just like the other three, the twins are getting their own space on here, too. But since life gets in the way of this blog more often than not these days, they’re going to share a page. Sorry, guys.
And the title, The N/A Chronicles? That stands for The Nat/Avit Chronicles, not The Nonalcoholic Chronicles. Life with 5 kids without some cocktails here and there? Not a chance. So check back here to see how the story of our twins unfolds.
(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)
January 21, 2025
Happy New Year, my loves! You guys actually got off school today for an extreme cold warning, and you were thrilled! You all did an amazing job together and played restaurant all day, with a couple of you alternating servers and chefs. You made menus, set the table, and played cafe music and everything! I loved watching you guys orchestrate it all as I worked alongside you at the dining room table.
January 31, 2025
Happy 7th Birthday, you two!! I will have your whole birthday post up soon as usual, but I can’t skip here as well. You guys are SO excited for today, especially since you have a Friday birthday. You got your chocolate chip birthday pancakes this morning, took Pokemon cards to school as favors for your classmates, requested the annual mac and cheese and cocktail weinies for your birthday dinners, then we’ll go get Blizzards at DQ for your birthday dessert treat. You guys are so much fun, and we love you so much!!! I hope birthday #7 is the best one yet!

February 2, 2025
Big day for you two – you get to start taking your own showers now that you’re 7! Nat, you’re so cute. You keep clarifying the order in which you do all your steps and how you get the wash cloth all flat to use, then you’re so excited when you feel confident that you have everything right. As long as you get clean, that’s my main concern! 🤣