Following in his sisters’ footsteps, here is Morrison’s journal page. It won’t really be his own personal musings, obviously. We just thought that would be a catchy title. Follow along to see what life as a boy is like in this household – something new and different for sure!
(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)
January 1, 2024
Happy New Year, my love! Unfortunately we all got the stomach flu on Christmas Eve and spent pretty much all of our winter break sick, so hopefully this new year rings in healthy and true. Here’s to a happy, healthy, safe, and fun 2024 for all of us!
January 8, 2024
Unfortunately you are already home for your first sick day of 2024. As you and Lana were getting ready to head out the door with Daddy this morning (the twins were off today for assessments), you said your stomach was hurting and it kind of felt like it did when you were going to throw up. Oh well, better safe than sorry.
ETA: You never did throw up today, so that’s good news!
January 9, 2024
SNOW DAY!!! Even though it just rained all day. 🙂 It was still fun having an extra day at home with you guys, though!
January 12, 2024
ANOTHER SNOW DAY!!! Second one this week, and right before a long 3-day weekend! This time we really did get snow, about 6ish inches. Other areas outside of Whitefish Bay got way more than we did so practically everywhere was closed, but thankfully the lake spared us a little this time. Daddy still had to go into work, unbelievably, but you guys had fun being home and playing in the deep, fresh snow.
January 27, 2024
I took you big 3 skiing for your first time today, and you all loved it! I put the 3 of you together in a private lesson to start while I took my time remembering how to do it, which was perfect. We spent a couple hours on the slopes at a small ski place about half an hour from our house, and you guys didn’t want to leave. I said next time I’ll take a lesson, too, and we’ll all learn how to snowboard!

February 8, 2024
Tonight was Open House at school, and I loved getting to see into your 3rd-grade world!

February 10, 2024
Today was your Little League evaluation over at the high school gym, and you thought it went well! I got to sneak a peek in toward the end, and your catching/fielding, batting, and pitching all looked great. You said the kid with whom you were paired at the beginning for catching practice was another bad one and kept whipping the ball at you as hard as he could, hitting you in the nose once, and it just makes me SO MAD that you have to deal with these jerks at your age. 8 and 9 year olds should not be acting like this, and I truly blame the parents and coaches for teaching and allowing it. I’ve heard the Minors, the division you’re in now for unforunately through next year, is just the worst, but it gets better once you get to Majors if you stick with it. I’ve already told you if the kids get worse and you start not liking it you don’t have to continue, since one of your best friends just quit in Minors because of the same thing. His brother has made it up to Majors, though, and his mom said it’s so much better. Thankfully you have such a good head on your shoulders and don’t take it personally or let it bother you, which makes you already a much better person than me. I want to punch those kids and their parents and coaches in the face. I hope you get on a team with friends and a good coach this spring, no matter how many games you win or lose.
March 20, 2024
You entered a poetry contest through school a few weeks ago, and you’re going to be published! I forget the name of the company, but they compile poetry from students across the country and publish a 200-page book that we’ll be getting in November. A couple kids from your class were also selected, and you were so excited! I’m so proud of you, my love, that’s incredibly impressive and exciting!!
April 7, 2024
Today was the first game of your spring Minors Little League season this year, and you were so excited to get back out on the field! You’re on the Hot Rods this year. Your team ended up losing 7-3, but it didn’t matter at all. You had so much fun! And your team this spring is a MILLION times better than your Fall Ball Minors team last fall in kindness, camaraderie, and spirit, so I don’t care if you guys lose all season. Being surrounded by good teammates and coaches is FAR more important.

May 23, 2024
You got your first hit in Minors today! And then your second, too!! It was so exciting, you were so proud, and I was so happy for you!
May 31, 2024
Happy 9th birthday, my love! As always, I’ll get your full birthday post going, but I hope you have the most fun Friday birthday ever!

June 5, 2024
Happy Spring Sing day! I’m in California missing it for the very first time and not happy about it, but thankfully Daddy and all your teachers have sent me pictures and videos. This last week and a half of school is the best! And you lost a tooth tonight!

June 14, 2024
Happy last day of 3rd grade, kiddo! Let’s have a fantastic summer!

June 20, 2024
You hit a ground-rule double in your game tonight! So exciting!!
June 26, 2024
You hit an in-the-park home run in your game tonight!!! What in the world?!? We were SO excited!
July 20, 2024
Today was a big day! We drove to Canada with Grandma so unfortunately you missed the championship game for your baseball season, but we were able to follow along with the game on Game Changer and you guys won!! So Coach will bring your trophy over next week. Also, you pulled your tooth out in the car on the way up so the Tooth Fairy will leave you a tooney just like for Lana. Nice job all around!

August 25, 2024
Here we go Fall Ball! You’re on the White Sox this fall in Minors. Good luck, Skittle!

August 28, 2024
You finally had your 9-year checkup today since we switched pediatricians again and got in with the female ped at the office right down the street from us (yay!!), so here are your official 9-year-old stats:
- Height: 4′ 8.5″ (91%)
- Weight: 73 lbs. 3.2 oz. (75%)
- BMI: 16.12 (47%)
- Blood Pressure: 98/60
We also had your meet and greet tonight, so we got to meet Ms. Blair and get all your supplies into your locker and desk. It felt good to be back and getting ready for a new school year!

September 6, 2024
Happy first day of 4th grade, Mo Mo! Last night you said you were a little scared about going into 4th grade and growing up, and I assured you that you had absolutely nothing to worry about. You know all the kids in your grade, you have an amazing teacher, and growing up is just how life works. It’s also why I tell you guys to enjoy every second of being a kid, because once you’re a grown-up you’re a grown-up forever and being a kid is way more fun. 😉 But you were just fine and raring to go this morning. Have so much fun, my love!

September 7, 2024
You had your first flag football game ever today, and you were SO EXCITED! Daddy took you over on your bikes, and it was actually hard to tell who was more excited for this – you or him! He stayed for your whole game and has been giving you all the pointers. You’re loving it, and I am so proud seeing your athletic side shine so brightly.

September 12, 2024
Tonight was parent orientation, and we got to go back to having it in person at school in your classroom after a couple years of having it virtually since the Covid shutdown. You left the cutest note for me in your desk and signed it “Peace, Mo.” 🤣 And I left a little surprise note for you in your locker. You’re going to have an awesome year in 4th grade!

September 30, 2024
As we were walking to school this morning, I got a phone call that school was cancelled for the day due to a power outage! What in the world?? It was just your school, too, so you and the twins got a free day off. Your sisters both still had school and were very jealous. 😉 It was so weird!
October 13, 2024
Today was the Fall Ball one-day playoffs, and you guys got so close! You won your first 2 games and came all the way back to 7-6 in the last inning of the championship game, but the White Sox just couldn’t pull off the W. You did so great this season, though, and I said your team probably showed the best sportsmanship out of any of the teams I saw. No one pouted, no one cried, no one was a sore loser, and you guys definitely had some bad calls go against you in that last game. So great job, my love, on another baseball season. Can’t wait to see how you do next spring!

October 25, 2024
Today was the Fun Run for our fundraiser at school, and you were PUMPED! I knew you wanted to be the fastest 4th-grade runner, and you were! You smoked the entire field, and you even said one of your friends completely cheated, cutting out half the course, and you beat him by multiple people. See, cheaters never win! Your obvious natural athletic ability is unreal, and I can’t wait to see where it takes you. Great job, Skittle!

December 9, 2024
Tonight was your concert at school, and I caught the very first flight back from California this morning so I could get home in time. I did NOT want to miss another one! And I’m so glad I didn’t – you guys always do so great at these.