Della has her own page on here, so I wanted to start one for Lana, too. This one won’t be quite as daily journal-ish as D’s is, though. I’ll use this space mainly to keep track of milestones, stats, things of that nature. Basically whatever I’d want to keep track of in a pen-to-paper journal and/or stuff that doesn’t really go in a baby book. So here we go…
(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)
January 21, 2025
Happy New Year, my shmee! You guys actually got off school today for an extreme cold warning, and you were thrilled! You all did an amazing job together and played restaurant all day, with a couple of you alternating servers and chefs. You made menus, set the table, and played cafe music and everything! I loved watching you guys orchestrate it all as I worked alongside you at the dining room table.
January 27, 2025
Today you and Della got your first round of orthodontia, and you are just so excited! 😉 You didn’t get a full set of braces yet, just brackets and a little bar on your top molars that connect to brackets on your lower back molars with rubber bands. You also have to wear like an Invisalign retainer on your bottom teeth, so everything shifts together instead of separating. This will help pull your top teeth back so your jaws are correctly in line, then you’ll get the full set of brackets in 6ish months. Here we go!
