The N/A Chronicles 2024

More kids, more pages on this blog. This, however, will certainly be the last one. Just like the other three, the twins are getting their own space on here, too. But since life gets in the way of this blog more often than not these days, they’re going to share a page. Sorry, guys.

And the title, The N/A Chronicles? That stands for The Nat/Avit Chronicles, not The Nonalcoholic Chronicles. Life with 5 kids without some cocktails here and there? Not a chance. So check back here to see how the story of our twins unfolds.

(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)


January 1, 2024

Happy New Year, my littlest loves! Unfortunately we all got the stomach flu on Christmas Eve and spent pretty much all of our winter break sick, so hopefully this new year rings in healthy and true. Here’s to a happy, healthy, safe, and fun 2024 for all of us!


January 8, 2024

You guys are home for a 3-day weekend today, lucky ducks! Your class was split in half so they could do K5 assessments, so you get to spend another day in your pj’s.


January 9, 2024

SNOW DAY!!! Even though it just rained all day. 🙂 It was still fun having an extra day at home with you guys, though!


January 10, 2024

Avit, you are a trip! We’re watching a Daniel Tiger episode about his little sister Margaret as a baby. She cries a lot, and you said, “Nat and I cried a lot when we were babies.” I agreed wholeheartedly. Then you said, “But we didn’t frown like that.” Ha! Yeah right. So I showed you the picture of you two from about a week after you were born and Grandma had just left to go home after coming up when you were born. You’re right next to each other on the couch in your little onesies, totally screaming crying. Proof positive.

Then I showed you the picture of how big my belly was the morning you guys were born, and you said, “You must have been very uncomfortable. It was probably hard to go to sleep.” Yes, it was, and you’re exactly right! You’re one of the very few people who has ever said that, so thank you for recognizing that at the ripe old age of 5. Then you proceeded to say, “I could feel the seatbelts.” I’m sorry, what?! You claimed you remembered when you were in the womb and could feel when I put a seatbelt on. “Yeah, I tried to scoot to the back by Nat.” Hahahahahah!!!! 😀


January 12, 2024

ANOTHER SNOW DAY!!! Second one this week, and right before a long 3-day weekend! This time we really did get snow, about 6ish inches. Other areas outside of Whitefish Bay got way more than we did so practically everywhere was closed, but thankfully the lake spared us a little this time. Daddy still had to go into work, unbelievably, but you guys had fun being home and playing in the deep, fresh snow.


January 16, 2024

Nat, unfortunately you’re home sick today. After a 4-day weekend with the snow day to kick it off, you spiked a 102+ fever last night and slept with me. Then you barfed (in the toilet this time, thankfully!!!) right after I got up this morning, but fortunately it was just that one time, unlike our stomach bug over Christmas. But there were some funny moments… As I was getting ready for bed last night around 10:00, you sat up and said, “Mama? Do you want me to make your profile picture that cute kitty?” I was like, what?? 藍 I just installed Messenger Kids on yours and Avit’s Chromebooks last night so you were sending messages to family members before bed, so it was obviously fresh in your dreams, too. Then just after I’d gotten into bed, you rolled over toward me and whispered, “It’s my favorite… CATS!” You really do love cats!


January 18, 2024

Avit, now it’s your turn to be home sick, ugh! You spiked the same 102+ fever last night (no barfing, HOORAY!!!) and were just totally wiped out today because it wasn’t all the way down this morning. We all need to finally get and stay healthy! I hate seeing your poor little bodies so worn out. 


January 19, 2024

Your twin bond is definitely a powerful thing. Avit, the other day when Nat was home sick you said you cried a little bit at the start of the day because you missed him and took yourself to the regulation station to calm down. Nat, this morning you said that yesterday when Avit was out sick you cried a little during math because you missed him. I told both of you that was totally ok and completely normal, because you love each other very much and miss the other when he’s not with you. You two are so sweet and definitely love each other so much! Avit, you sent Nat a Messenger Kids message the other day that was an eye, a heart, and the letter U for I love you. I love it! And thankfully you are both feeling better and back at school today for your fort party. You were so excited to take your blankets and lanterns to build them, because it got pushed to today from last Friday since we had a snow day that day.

Avit, your quips are also still hilarious. This morning you didn’t quite finish your bowl of cereal beacuse your stomach hurt and I said that was totally fine. Being sick yesterday you didn’t eat much, so I wasn’t surprised and didn’t want you to push it, especially after all the vomiting we’ve had in the past month. Then you said it started hurting like you were going to throw up, so you went into the bathroom. I came in and asked if you were ok, and you asked if you could just try to go poop instead. Ha! Yes, of course you could. You didn’t have to poop either, then came into your bedroom as I was making the beds and said you felt much better because you didn’t need to throw up or poop, you just had to wait for a burp to come out. Then you said, “I’m going to continue eating.” The best!


January 24, 2024

Avit, you are truly something special. Last night as I was tucking you into bed, you wanted me to wait to start singing “Twinkle Twinkle” because you like to snuggle in with me as I sing. I said I know, it’s because I’m your safe place and I make you feel calm and warm. And you said, “Home.” Exactly. I am your home. For all your antics and noise and craziness, your wisdom and insight are beyond your years and the love that pours out of your heart will forever warm mine.

And Nat, your sweet little heart came shining through this morning, too. When I was dropping you guys off in your line at school, I gave you a big hug and kiss as I always do and you said, “Sometimes it’s hard to say goodbye.” I said yes, it definitely is, but I’m always here for you no matter where I actually am, and I always come back. I will never leave you. Then I told you that if you get a little sad at all today, just think of me picking you up after school and all those chewy Sweet Tarts you put in your lunch box for today. That brought your cute little smile right back, my sweet boy.


January 31, 2024

Happy 6th birthday, my loves!! I’ll do your usual full post separately. Avit, you wore your fancy clothes today (your amazing 3-piece suit) and said, “I’m gonna act like a 6 year old today!” You got your K5 birthday crowns from Ms. Ruetz at school just like Morrison did, got your special-ordered birthday dinners from Daddy (Kraft mac and cheese for you, Nat, and BBQ cocktail weinies for you again, Avit) and Blizzards from DQ for your chosen birthday dessert, and you both are sleeping together tonight in Nat’s bed. We love you two SO much, and I can’t wait to see where this crazy life takes both of you!


February 2, 2024

While playing Wii sports with Daddy tonight, Avit, you were all sweaty with your shirt off and said, “My armpits are leaking. It’s like a lake and there’s a tadpole in there.” Then you pulled a fake worm out of your armpit and pretended to eat it. I’m sorry, I can’t even. You are something else, my love!


February 6, 2024

Nat, you missed Avit at school today because he was home sick again. You started crying this morning before we left because you didn’t want to go to school without him, so I let you take Fire Mario and keep him in your backpack during the day. You loved that, and Mario enjoyed looking all around on our walks to and from school. But you said you were still a little sad at school because you missed Avit and you just wandered around at recess by yourself. 🙁


February 7, 2024

I got to come to school for Fun Lunch again today, which I love! It’s so much fun seeing you guys during your lunch hour. Nat, you got a little sad when it was time for your class to leave the Great Room because you didn’t want to leave me, but don’t worry – I always come back and see you right after school!


February 8, 2024

Tonight was Open House at school, and I loved getting to see into your K5 worlds! You guys were SO excited to take us all around your room, checking everything off your blue checklists as we went. It’s seriously always one of my favorite days of the school year.


February 13, 2024

I was the mystery reader in your classroom this morning! I didn’t tell you guys I was coming beforehand and kept it a total surprise. I didn’t even tell the big kids! You guys were bummed that I couldn’t come to your Valentine’s Day class party this year like I did last year, so I chose the day before to be mystery reader instead, hoping that helped make up for it. Your faces both lit up completely when I knocked and Ms. Ruetz let me in. I had so much fun! Nat, you were hilarious. After I read the story about the day it rained hearts, a couple kids got to ask me questions. I was asked about my favorite food, animals, color, etc. When I called on you, you asked, “What’s your favorite wine?” Omg. Ms. Ruetz and I both started laughing, and I said I’ll answer that one at home. You didn’t forget, either! As soon as you walked out the doors at the end of the day, you asked me again what my favorite wine is – ha! I said that’s what happens when your mom works for a winery. 😉

Also, you both have turned into excellent readers! You can read entire books all by yourselves now. Great job, my loves!


February 16, 2024

Avit, that first super wiggly tooth is finally out! After school today you were working on it, and you came down to the laundry room to get me because it had gone “upside down.” So gross! I hate wiggly teeth, but I knew this one needed to get right out because it had actually gone upside down – it was literally just hanging straight down from your bottom jaw. So I grabbed your Kleenex and wiggled it around, then just popped it straight up and out. Yuck! You were so relieved and happy to have it out, and it was honestly the very first tooth out of any of you kids’ loose teeth that I have ever pulled. Maybe the last, too – ha! You were so excited for the Tooth Fairy to come, and she left you a quarter and note! You even said it looked tiny and a little dirty. I said see, all the more reason to brush well. 😉 Great job, kiddo! I know you were very nervous about that first one coming out.


February 24, 2024

Avit, you swam length of Grandma and Grandpa’s pool in Florida without your puddle jumper! Nat, you swam almost half that length, too! Great job!!


February 25, 2024

Avit, you needed to “let my food melt” between rounds of brunch today because you ate so much. 😀 Then this afternoon, you did a cannonball into the pool from the side of the hot tub forgetting you didn’t have your float on, but thankfully you were able to bounce off the bottom, come up, and swim yourself to the side. You were so sorry you forgot, and I just said it’s ok, you did the right thing by not panicking and pulling and kicking, but you said you won’t forget again. Nat, you were totally my little buddy at brunch, walking to and from, waiting patiently for your waffle, and saying it was the best place you’d ever been. Tonight you were sad, though, that we didn’t get to use fancy dining room for dinner, so we said we’ll make sure to use it next year.


February 27, 2024

It was so warm today we went to the park after school, and Avit, you went running up to Alice (a friend in your class) and gave her a big hug when you saw her arrive, too. Too bad she’s the same kid who’s been bullying and bugging you at school, too, so apparently you two have a very love-hate relationship.


March 10, 2024

Avit, it was a new one today. You came in from playing outside at one point and said something really bad had happened, and it looked like your lip was bleeding. You said Morrison hit you with the swing, and when I took a closer look your tooth was gone! Fortunately it was your second wiggly one on the bottom in the front and about ready to come out anyway, so I wasn’t too shocked. And Morrison didn’t actually hit you with the swing. You guys were going down the sliding board on your stomachs, you went first, he came behind you and crashed into you at the bottom, and your mouth hit the ground. Unfortunately we couldn’t find your tooth in the yard, but the Tooth Fairy still came and left you a quarter and her note!


March 12, 2024

Tonight was your guys’ K5 music concert at school, and you were so excited! I couldn’t wait either, because it was your first one. Nat, you followed every instruction to a tee. Avit, you are a born performer! The way you hammed it up on stage was like no one I’ve seen. It was so great! I had the big kids come to watch so I could surprise you all with DQ after you sang the ice cream song, just like at the end of every concert. Good job, my loves!!


April 9, 2024

You guys had your first soccer lesson class today, and you loved it! Nat, you started asking to play soccer last year because I think you heard friends at school talking about it, so I signed you both up for this little 6-week session through the rec department, not an actual team.


April 25, 2024

You guys had your first school field trip to the Audubon today, a local nature center, and you had SO much fun! You got to ride on a school bus for the very first time, you saw a ton of great animals, and you had a blast hiking through the woods with your classmates, teachers, and parent chaperones.


May 20, 2024

Avit, you’re on 2 wheels on your bike! And Natty Beans, you’re so close, I know you’ll be there by this summer, too. I took the training wheels off both your bikes just over a week ago, and you both hopped on to give it a shot right away. Neither of you rode your bikes with training wheels as much as the big kids ever did, so I told you to just glide on them like balance bikes to get used to the weight of the bike before trying to pedal at all. And I asked Lana to come help you guys, too, because she’s amazing at getting kids to learn to pedal, and she helped Morrison on his first time riding, too. You both did so great, and got a couple rides up and down the sidewalk in right away! Nat, you fell and scraped your wrist a little so you haven’t been too excited to get back on yet since that, but Avit, you are determined. This past weekend you headed back out, kept at it, and even made it all the way around the block with Morrison running beside you. Amazing job!! I knew you guys could get it this summer. 6 is when Lana and Morrison learned, too, and Della was 5. It’s your turn!


June 5, 2024

Happy Spring Sing day! I’m in California missing it for the very first time and not happy about it, but thankfully Daddy and all your teachers have sent me pictures and videos. This last week and a half of school is the best!


June 10, 2024

You guys had your very first friend’s birthday party today, and you were SO excited. Plus it was at Rockin’ Jump, a trampoline park, and you had such a blast!!


June 11, 2024

Nat, you’re getting the hang of riding on 2 wheels, too! I said I really want to go on family bike rides to the farmer’s market and beer garden this summer, so that includes you!


June 14, 2024

Happy last day of K5, my littlest loves! I can’t believe we’re out of the Ks and into all number grades for everyone! I’m so excited for summer vacation with all of you, so let’s have a happy and really, really fun one!


July 1, 2024

Natty Beans, you’re riding on two wheels for good now! Great job!!


July 29, 2024

Nat, you pulled your third tooth out this morning at Grandma and Grandpa’s, but then you dropped it in the carpet in the downstairs bedroom and we couldn’t find it. But Lana was down on her hands and knees in there tonight and put her hand right on it so we were able to leave it in the Tooth Fairy doll after all!


August 19, 2024

Nat, that wiggly little tooth #4 came out today! You were brushing your teeth at the kitchen sink, and suddenly you said, “My tooth’s out!” It made you a little nervous, but that thing was ready.


August 28, 2024

Tonight was meet and greet at school so we found your classroom, met Ms. Matteucci, found your table spots and put all your supplies away in the room, found your cubbies and put your gym shoes and art smocks in them, and got ready for a new school year!


September 6, 2024

Happy first day of 1st grade, my loves!! You guys are so excited to go back to school, and I absolutely love it. Avit, on the walk to school this morning, Nat jokingly asked if we were almost there (i say jokingly bc you guys could do that walk in your sleep by now) and you said, “I can smell the pencils! You know, the nice sharp pencils!” I had to tell Mrs. Matteucci that when we got there and she loved it, too. Have a fantastic year, you two – no more Ks!


September 12, 2024

Tonight was parent orientation back at school after being virtual for the past couple years, but unfortunately yours and Morrison’s were at the same time. So I went to his, but I stopped into your classroom on my way out to say hi to your teacher, see all your hard work in the classroom, and leave little notes in your pencil boxes. You’re going to have such a great year in 1st grade and I’m so proud of you guys!


September 25, 2024

We finally had your 6-year well child checkup with our new pediatrician, and here are your official stats.


  • Height: 4′ 0.03″ (68%)
  • Weight: 50 lbs. 0.7 oz. (56%)
  • Blood pressure: 100/54
  • BMI: 15.25 (44%)


  • Height: 4′ 0.82″ (80%)
  • Weight: 48 lbs. 11.6 oz. (49%)
  • Blood pressure: 102/58
  • BMI: 14.37 (18%)


September 30, 2024

As we were walking to school this morning, I got a phone call that school was cancelled for the day due to a power outage! What in the world?? It was just your school, too, so you two and Morrison got a free day off. Your sisters both still had school and were very jealous. 😉 It was so weird!


October 10, 2024

You guys had your first field trip of the year to a farmer’s market today! You got to take $5 each to buy little goods. Nat, you bought 4 apples and a little pumpkin; Avit, you bought a sweet melon (like a tiny canteloupe) and a little pumpkin. You had so much fun! Unfortunately Morrison didn’t get to go on this one due to Covid, but both your sisters did and we remembered what they bought. Della bought a big flower, a little pumpkin, and some apples; Lana bought a bag of little potatoes, a little pumpkin, and some broccoli. 🙂


October 16, 2024

Natty Beans, you were surprise student today! You got to sit in front of the class and have your classmates ask you questions about yourself. You had so much fun!


October 25, 2024

Today was the Fun Run for our fundraiser at school, and you guys were so excited! We’re raising money to build a new playground, and that will be awesome. Nat, you got 5th out of the 1st graders who ran, and Avit, you were either 9th or 10th. Great job, you guys! Then there was ice cream at the finish, so you can’t beat that!
