Following in his sisters’ footsteps, here is Morrison’s journal page. It won’t really be his own personal musings, obviously. We just thought that would be a catchy title. Follow along to see what life as a boy is like in this household – something new and different for sure!
(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)
January 5, 2023
Happy New Year, my love! You are such a goofball, and I just love your giggle when you find something truly funny. The other night we were upstairs as I was getting ready to tuck you guys in, and you were over by your dresser. I can’t remember what it was that you threw at me – a dirty sock or a wrapper or something – and you totally thought I was going to reach out and catch it. Instead, I just stood there with my arms crossed because you were supposed to be getting into bed, not tossing things at me, and whatever it was just bounced off my head and arms before hitting the floor. I thought you were going to die giggling! Which, in turn, made me about die giggling. It was hilarious. You are such a fun, happy kid, even when your antics get on my last nerve… 😉
January 14, 2023
You started level 3 of swim lessons today, and before we went this morning you told me you were nervous. I told you I was sure you’d pick right back up as soon as you jumped into the pool, and I couldn’t have been more right. It was like you hadn’t been out of swim lessons at all! You took off treading water, doing all your back and front floats, your good front crawl arms, and everything. I’m very proud of you, my love!
February 1, 2023
You are so kind-hearted, my love. Tonight at bedtime I could tell you were sad but you didn’t want to tell me why. I finally got it out of you that you feel like you’re always helping others have a good day, but no one ever helps you. Aww, I’m so sorry, and you’re actually very right. You are ALWAYS helping people, and I know I just always kind of assume you’re good unless you actually say you’re not because you’re just such a happy kid. Then you told me how today at recess a fifth-grader kicked his ball toward you so you went to pick it up to give back to him, but then he pushed you down because he thought you were trying to take it and you hit your head on part of the playground. You said no one saw it happen so you didn’t want to go tell a supervisor or a teacher because you didn’t want him to get mad at you. And he didn’t apologize either. Ugh, I really hate kids sometimes. You don’t deserve one single bad thing in life, my sweet boy, and I know the universe will reward you for being so great. I assured you that you can always tell me when something’s wrong, and I will be better at making sure you’re ok just like everyone else.
February 9, 2023
Tonight was Open House at school, and you were so excited to show me everything in your classroom. You had the fun poster where we had to guess which one was you by the various math answers to questions on the flaps on it, and it took me forever to find yours! You also showed me the final draft of your report on pythons, plus all the work you did leading up to it, I got to see your locker again, and you showed me everything else on your checklist. I always love getting to come into your classroom and seeing how you spend your days away from me at school. You’re an amazing student, my love, and your teachers have all always loved having you in class. We are so proud of you!

February 11, 2023
You have your first Little League evaluations this afternoon, and you are so excited. Daddy’s been helping you learn how to hold your glove and swing a bat, and I can tell he’s kind of excited, too. Good luck, my love, you’re going to be great!
February 15, 2023
Unfortunately today was your first sick day absence of the school year. You had so much fun at your class Valentine’s Day party yesterday, too. You woke up at 2:30 this morning and threw up, then were totally wiped out. You were ok most of the day, just lying on the couch and playing on your tablet, but when I got home from picking up your sisters after school, you started throwing up again. Fortunately it was just all liquid because you’d tried drinking some Squirt, which did taste good to you, but I guess it was just too much too soon. You’re sleeping on one of the couches from upstairs unfolded on my bedroom floor tonight so you’re close to the bathroom if you need to get up, and so far so good. You’re asleep and already doing much better than last night, when your sisters said you were crying in your sleep all night. Fingers crossed this passes soon, my love! I hate seeing you guys sick and feeling so awful.
February 16, 2023
SNOW DAY!! I got the call yesterday afternoon preemptively, and you all cheered when I told you the news. I love snow days, because it’s like a mini-weekend for me, too, without having to get up to do the morning routine. I was extraordinarily productive around the house and with work today, so that made it even better for me. Daddy was home, too, as pretty much the whole city canceled stuff in preparation for this winter storm that blew through. We didn’t end up getting nearly as much snow as predicted, but I didn’t mind having an extra day home with you guys. And thanksfully you haven’t thrown up yet again since yesterday afternoon. You’re still not feeling great and have barely eaten or drunk anything, so hopefully you can get something in you to build your energy back up soon. I also always worry about dehydration when you don’t drink for so long, so I’m trying to get you to take little drinks but frequent ones to get some water to stay in.
February 17, 2023
Today’s your 100th day of school, but unfortunately you couldn’t make it. We got all the way to school and everything, but when we all got out of the car and started walking to your line, you started feeling really bad again. You said your head hurt, you were kind of dizzy, and your tummy started feeling funny again, so I let you just go right back to the car and I took you home after I dropped Lana and the twins off. Fortunately you’re not throwing up anymore and keeping your food and water down, but I think you just haven’t built any energy back up yet. That bug really took it out of you, my love. You wore your 100th day shirt from K4 and everything, to match the twins today, so I made sure to take a picture to send to both Mrs. Koch and Ms. Makela. They loved it, and they both hope you’re feeling better soon!

February 23, 2023
Tonight was your music concert at school, and you did such a great job! The theme was “Riddle Me This?” and you had a speaking part!! None of you has ever had a speaking part in a concert before, so that was awesome. Plus I didn’t have to bring your sisters or brothers, so I was able to sit and fully enjoy the entire thing without sushing someone even once. Heavenly! I was so proud of you, kiddo. You spoke your part clearly and slowly, and we could understand you perfectly. You are so cute!

March 3, 2023
We found out today that you’re going to be on the Marauders team for Little League this year. It has “Rau” right in the name, so it’s perfect!
March 4, 2023
You did so great in your swim lessons today, kiddo. You were the demonstrator for floating and sit dives. I just know you’re going to pass level 3 on your first try! (ETA: You did pass on 3/18!)
April 8, 2023
Daddy took you to your first baseball practice this morning, and you loved it! It was indoors at a school south of downtown, and Daddy said you did great. Your friend Carson is on your team, and it turns out he’s the coach’s son!

April 29, 2023
Today was your first baseball game, and you were so excited! And nervous. You were doing so great, too, until you fouled the ball off your hand during your very first at bat ever and smashed up your thumb. It hurt really badly, and you came out of the dugout a little while later crying and with blood dripping out all under your thumbnail. I’m so sorry, my sweet boy! We got you cleaned up and got an ice pack for your thumb, and you sat with your teammates on the bench in the dugout for the rest of the game. I really hope you have only better experiences in baseball from here!

May 7, 2023
Today was your third game, and you got your first hit! Daddy took the twins to watch this time while I stayed home with your sisters and got my chores done, and you got on base – great job, kiddo! Your thumb is doing a lot better, and you can go without bandaging and wrapping it up all day and night now. Daddy did wrap it again for the game, and Mr. Hand got you a pair of batting gloves last week for better protection, too, so you were all set. I got you a pair of cleats this week so you got to test those out today as well, and I could tell you were so proud. You got to play catcher for the first time today, too, and Daddy said you were great at it!! You are an excellent catcher and thrower, just need to get more comfortable batting. Unfortunately you guys haven’t won yet and are 0-3, but I KNOW you won’t have a winless season. I’m just glad you’re having fun with it!

May 21, 2023
I’m in California right now so I didn’t get to see it, but you guys finally got your first win of the season today! And Daddy said you got 2 hits!! Great job, my love. You crossed home plate for the first time, and you were so proud. I’m so happy that you’re having so much fun playing baseball this spring!

May 31, 2023
Happy 8th birthday and Spring Sing day, my love!! I will have your full birthday post coming up, but I wanted to wish you happy birthday here, too. It’s such a fun day all around, and you always love when you get to have your Spring Sing performance on your birthday at school. See you on the blacktop this afternoon!

June 8, 2023
I’m so sorry, my love, you’re home sick today and had to miss Campout Day. It’s such a fun day with outdoor games and roasting s’mores at school, but we want to make sure you’re healthy to go back for your very last day tomorrow.
June 9, 2023
Happy last day of 2nd grade! You have worked so hard this year and learned so much, and we couldn’t be prouder. Get ready for a great summer vacation, kiddo, you’ve all earned it!

June 27, 2023
I was so proud tonight, I almost started crying right at your baseball game. You came up to bat toward the end of the game, and I heard not only the opposing team’s coaches but also the kids in the outfield all say, “Move back, this kid’s good!” Your coaches have said you’re by far the most improved player on your team, and they hope to have you on their teams next year. Your confidence with baseball has skyrocketed, and you truly love playing it. I can’t wait to watch you play more, my love!
July 15, 2023
Just like Lana, you’re learning to bridge shuffle and play solitaire in Canada this year. You have fallen in love with solitaire, too, so it’s been the perfect way to pass many hours up here.
August 27, 2023
Today was your first Fall Ball baseball game, and you did great! You are on the Dodgers for this short 6-game season, and it’s the Minors. And you are definitely not in Pee Wees anymore – these kids are good! But you did awesome, my love, and I was so proud. You had so much fun, too, which we both said after the game is the most important part. No busted thumbnails either – double win!

September 7, 2023
Happy first day of 3rd grade! You are so excited to start this school year and are especially looking forward to learning more multiplication. I hope you have an absolutely amazing time, my love. You are such a great student and kid!

October 22, 2023
Your Minors Fall Ball team, the Dodgers, won the playoffs today! You guys are the champs!!! You were so excited, I couldn’t even stand it. I was so happy for you guys, and you, especially, after the harder start to Minors this fall than Pee Wees this spring. It was such a fun day at the ballpark!

October 25, 2023
Today was a half day of school for the Halloween costume parade and then I had conferences with all of your teachers this afternoon. Every single one of them said how well all of you are doing and how much they love having you in their class this year, and I could NOT be more proud. You and your amazing math skills in particular are so fantastic to hear about. You’re one of the top 2 math students in your class, and Ms. Stefanik says she loves seeing how hard you work and is going to keep pushing you forward. Keep up the incredible work!!

October 29, 2023
You had so much fun trick or treating today. I went out with you and the twins for round 1; we dropped off the twins and went back out for round 2; then we picked Avit back up and went out for round 3 while Nat napped. We made it almost the full 3 hours and went up and down streets we’ve never tot-ed on before. You got over 8 pounds of candy!
