Della has her own page on here, so I wanted to start one for Lana, too. This one won’t be quite as daily journal-ish as D’s is, though. I’ll use this space mainly to keep track of milestones, stats, things of that nature. Basically whatever I’d want to keep track of in a pen-to-paper journal and/or stuff that doesn’t really go in a baby book. So here we go…
(FYI, because I write so much about these kids, their pages are all broken into yearly chunks so as not to crash my site. I’ll keep the current year on the main page for ease of use. Enjoy!)
January 27, 2022
We had Open House at school tonight, and I absolutely loved it. We weren’t able to have it last year, so it was good to be back in your classroom. You love to act all cool, calm, and collected about every single thing in life, but I could tell how excited you were to show me around. You practically pulled us out of Morrison’s classroom so we could get up to yours. You guys are sitting in desk pairs right now, and you’re right next to Mrs. Jester’s desk – she’s the best! Your desk was so clean and organized, and she said it always is. I love how well you keep everything at school, because that’s not always the case at home. ๐ You fastidiously took us down the checklist of things you had to show us, inluding the wonderful list of goals for 2022 that you have posted on your locker. I so wish I’d taken some pictures! But the best part was that you wore the Official Open House Tour Guide ribbon on a lanyard that you made in 1st grade because Morrison had made one for tonight, too. No matter how hard you try to hide it, the love and pride you have in your heart just can’t help overflowing sometimes. And I love that about you so much. We are all so proud of you, my sweet baby girl. Keep up the great work!

February 6, 2022
We got your winter STAR testing results back last week, and you were off the charts again in math. You scored in the 99th percentile for math and 97th percentile for reading. Wonderful job, my love, especially since you constantly claim you hate math. ๐
February 22, 2022
You lost tooth #10 today, on “Twosday!” It’s such a cool date, 2-22-22, and you guys were going to have a fun “2” celebration at school today. You even made bookmarks for it a few weeks ago, on 2-2-22. However, we had a big ice storm last night, and school was canceled today. Even Daddy was home from work, so I declared today an all-day tablet and TV/movie day for you guys, and I’m pretty sure you were in heaven. ๐ Oddly enough, there was a major ice storm across Wisconsin exactly 100 years ago, on 2-22-1922. How crazy is that?! You’ve been wiggling that tooth for a couple days now, and today you finally yanked it out! Here comes the Tooth Fairy again!
February 24, 2022
We had your 9-year well check last night, and everything looks perfectly healthy! Here are your official stats:
- Height: 4′ 7.75″ (86%)
- Weight: 68 lbs. 12.8 oz. (56%)
- Blood pressure: 106/64
- BMI: 15.56 (32%)
Keep growing strong, my sweet baby girl!
March 7, 2022
We had your music concert at school tonight, and I absolutely loved it! We haven’t been able to be in the building for a concert since 2020, and that concert happened right before everything shut down. Oddly enough, you stood in the exact same place on the risers tonight as you did for that concert! You did such a great job tonight, my sweet girl, and I could tell how much fun you were having, even behind your mask. Your grade was instructed to wear something nice, and you wanted your hair up on top in a bun. I used 20 bobby pins to keep it secure. ๐ I am so proud of you!

June 8, 2022
You are hilarious, my love. Last month, you did a creative writing piece at school about how you think there are sausages at the end of the rainbow and how wonderful that would be. It’s pretty incredible. Daddy especially loved it, and forwarded it to his friend who works at Johnsonville. They were so impressed and liked it so much, they sent you a whole Johnsonville care package – hand-written note, t-shirt (your new favorite shirt, of course), and coupons for free summer sausage, which you said was your favorite. I about died! You are going to do absolutely amazing things, my love, and I can’t wait to watch it all.

June 10, 2022
Happy last day of 3rd grade, Shmee! You had Mrs. Jester this year, and she was amazing!! You had so much fun, you made a best friend Noelle, and you wrote some incredible pieces of work. You don’t like math, but that’s ok, because you’re actually really good at it. All 3 of you big kids dove right into your brand new Prodigy math memberships this afternoon when you got home. I’m excited to see how much you enjoy your track and field lessons this summer with Della, and I know you’re really looking forward to going to Canada again. Happy summer vacation, my brand new 4th grader!

June 11, 2022
You passed level 4 of swimming this morning, so you are officially done with swim lessons – congratulations!
June 25, 2022
Big night for you last night, my love. It was your first real sleepover at a friend’s house! You and Della were invited to spend the night at Beth and Eleanor’s mom’s house, and we realized it’s the first time you spent the night away from home that wasn’t at a family member’s house. You had so much fun and were a total sleepyhead zombie when I picked you up this morning. It was double fun, too, since you went straight from Noelle’s birthday party at Rockin’ Jump.
July 20, 2022
You lost a tooth in Canada! It was the first time the Tooth Fairy has visited us up here, and you were really excited. It had been wiggly since we arrived, and you finally yanked it out the night before we left. She left you a toonie!
September 1, 2022
Happy Roaring Start day, my love! You had your hour-ish session with Mrs. Bowman today to do your assessments, but the internet wasn’t working right at school so you couldn’t do your STAR testing portion. I guess you guys will just do that part sometime during the first couple weeks. But you spent about 45 minutes with her talking and reading, which she said you were great at, and I knew already. ๐ I can’t wait to see how much you love this year, Shmee! I’m thrilled that your best friend is in your class again, and I know you are, too. There are a bunch of your friends from past classes in there, too, I saw, so I hope it’s fun for you. I love you so much, my sweet girl, and I am so proud of the big kid you’re becoming.

Septermber 3, 2022
Tooth #12 is out!
September 7, 2022
Happy first day of 4th grade, my love!! I’m SO happy your best friend is in your class again, and I can’t wait to see how much fun you have this year. You are so smart, Shmee, no matter how much you downplay it. 😉 I love you so much, my sweet baby girl, have an amazing year!!

September 25, 2022
Now tooth #13 is out, too! You are starting to have a huge gap of molars on the upper right side of your mouth… The fun thing about this one is that you pulled it out at Noelle’s house during breakfast after a sleepover!
October 17, 2022
Another molar out?!? Now you definitely have a giant hole in the upper right quadrant of your mouth. Gross! ๐ 14 down, 6 to go!
October 21, 2022
Happy 10th birthday, my sweet baby girl!! You are very excited to be in the double digits like your big sis, and you are still as silly, creative, and artistic as ever. We have some fun birthday celebrating planned, too. Mr. Hand and Miss Clara are coming over tonight for your birthday dinner request of Thai beef and sticky rice, 4 of your friends are coming over tomorrow afternoon for outdoor play/dinner/backyard movie and the weather is great!, Tuesday night we’re doing your birthday shopping spree and dinner out, Thursday night I’m taking you to the museum to hear an astronaut speak in the planetarium, and then that’s also your long fall break weekend with trick-or-treating and Grandpa Frank’s visit. What a fun week to celebrate the wonderful YOU! I love you so much, Shmee!! Welcome to your next decade!

November 8, 2022
Another tooth?!?! What is this, #15? I don’t know how you’re eating solid foods right now with all these molars out, ha!
November 14, 2022
Tonight was your music concert at school, and I loved it! Unfortunately you’ve come down with a wretched cough and you had to try so hard the entire performance to stifle it, but you looked darn cute doing it! You guys did an awesome basketball-dribbling choreographed routine toward the end, and I thought it was going to be a disaster when your P.E. teachers brought out the racks of basketballs. But it was amazing!

December 31, 2022
You and Daddy walked up to Sendik’s today because we almost ran out of time to use your Johnsonville coupon for your free summer sausage! That was one of the things they sent you after Daddy sent them your sausages at the end of the rainbow story, and it expired today. Whew! You were so excited to use it.