Morrison turned 9 last month, and this kid is the epitome of 9 is fine!

He remains one of the happiest-go-lucky kids I’ve ever met, meeting every day and opportunity with an open mind and happy heart. Except when he’s bugging and fighting with his siblings, of course. Ahem.

He’s still an absolute whiz at math, scoring 99% (the highest possible score) on all his standardized tests this year, as well as 100% on almost every math test and assignment in his own class. He’s already looking forward to learning harder math next year in 4th grade, and I remember distinctly the thing he wrote as what he was most looking forward to at meet and greet for this year in 3rd grade – multiplication!

His favorite color is and always has been green, he loves playing baseball now until he can get into track and sprint his heart out and is amassing quite the collection of bats, his favorite food is sushi, he loves to play chess and board games and card games, he has become obssessed with Roblox since they were all FINALLY allowed to get it on their tablets the other day, he still loves to help out whenever and with whatever he can, and he will talk to you nonstop for hours on end when he’s with you one on one with zero sibling interruptions. He still always turns to wave and blow kisses whenever I drop him off somewhere, too, which I absolutely love and soak up as much as I possibly can while they’re still coming my way.

He is becoming an amazing athlete, starting with the aforementioned baseball. He’s taking a one-week baseball skills camp next week that I think he’s going to love, and I gave in and signed him up for flag football this fall. No real football, though! I want to keep his brain permanently intact. He runs faster then anyone I know, and one of the 4 things on his summer bucket list is to learn to ride his bike no handed for more than just a second. (the other 3 things are fishing at a local park, taking a family bike ride, and earning enough chores points to take his mini shopping trip. i’m confident all will be accomplished.)

Happy 9th birthday, Morrison John!! We love you so much, and proud doesn’t even begin to describe how we feel about you. You are and always have been an incredible ray of sunshine in our family. You’re the exact middle of the Rau kids, and you play your role perfectly. Here’s to a googolplex more wonderful memories with you, my sweet, sweet boy!

As always, the best part – year-by-year comparison photos and posts!