I don’t know how many times I’ve said this to R in response to his frequent complaint of “I just wish I was really good at one thing.”
Um, hello? You’re great at everything! Let’s see, where should I begin the list? I know, sports: football, basketball, baseball, track. Throw in pretty much any other sport that involves throwing, catching, or running, and he’s good at that too. Up next, things at home: only ANYTHING, seeing as he has now single-handedly rebuilt and remodeled almost our entire house – structure, wiring, plumbing, duct work, appliances. He can even sew! He also shovels snow in winter, helps mow the lawn in summer, and takes out/brings in the garbage cans. What else? Cooking: duh – we all know he’s amazing at this and does all of it for our household. Additionally, all things mechanic or electronic: he’s changed the brakes on our vehicles, given them oil changes, helped replace a heater core (what? don’t ask – it was a miserable project), fixed window motors, replaced radios, and he is famous for his knowledge of every gadget from cell phones to computers to TVs and everything in between. And don’t forget all of his hobbies: home brewing, charcuterie (and basically anything meat-related), motorcycles, music, kites, model rockets, photography. That list is pretty much endless. Is there anything this kid can’t do? In a word – nope.
Now me, on the other hand. I am really good at one thing. Swimming. I swam all through high school and college. I was a State Champion in high school, All-American in college, Academic All-Big Ten in college, and I held a school record at UW-Madison (that has long since been broken, but still. it was up there for a little while. :)). I’ve also been a US Masters National Champion in my years since college. Wow, SM, you’re a stud. Yes, yes, thank you, please hold your applause (modest, much? ;)). But, please notice how short that list is – ONE thing. See R’s up there? He has like a million. Sure I can kick your ass up and down a pool, but when it comes to being good, even moderately good, at a whole host of things, I fall far short.
This conversation always makes me curious, too – does everyone want to be really good at one thing? Like really, really, good, as I am with swimming (i’m sorry, i’m not usually so blatantly cocky, but i’ve learned to look back on my swimming career and be really proud of my accolades after downplaying them for many years)? Or would most people prefer to be good at a lot of things, as in R’s case? I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather be able to do pretty much anything I ever need for myself instead of having to ask for help all the time over being able to swim fast. Unfortunately, I swim fast.
Oh! How could I forget the most important thing R is good at? He’s the most fantastic, wonderful father – D is a very lucky little girl.