Yesterday morning as I was getting ready for work in the bathroom, I heard D’s usual morning wake-up noises – rustling around in her crib, kicking the projector on the side of her crib up and down, random thuds as she wiggles around in there grabbing for her toys and blankets. When I finally went in to get her out, however, I was met with quite a surprise. She was fully standing, grabbing stuff out of the hanging fabric shelves on the side of her crib! My jaw dropped, because I’d never seen her standing all the way up in there before, just kneeling when she was first starting to learn to pull herself up on things. I knew she could pull up to standing now, as we’ve seen her do it countless times on everything else in the house for weeks, but for some reason seeing her standing there so much taller than the side of her crib was quite a shock. I couldn’t believe she hadn’t tipped over the edge. And I had just said the night before to R that we needed to lower her crib mattress soon, since it was still on the highest level for newborns. I must be clairvoyant, as all mothers are.
I was kicking myself that I hadn’t gone out to grab the camera when I saw D standing so tall in there yesterday morning, but I really was afraid she was going to flip over the edge as she kept grabbing for stuff. So I reenacted some shots last night right before I lowered the mattress to the lowest of the 3 levels.

And just for fun, D playing with Daddy’s new Indiana Jones hat.