If you’ll remember, D and I flew out to Tucson for a nice long weekend over President’s Day. My grandparents live out there, so we made a Friday night – Tuesday afternoon visit. My mom, stepdad, one of my sisters, and my brother-in-law joined us for a great time.
The flights out ended up sucking, however.
We were delayed a few minutes leaving Milwaukee waiting for 25 passengers from a flight in from Newark, which was awesome. We landed in Denver in just enough time to make our quick half hour connection, though, so I thought we would be Tucson-bound with no problem.
Not so much. I looked up at the flight monitor board as soon as we deplaned only to discover that our 2nd flight was delayed for an hour and a half. Wha?!?! WHY?!?!? Now I have to spend 2 HOURS entertaining a very overtired D all by myself. Gag!

Fortunately we survived, obvs, and we got into Tucson around 1am. D was happy as a clam to see Grandma and Auntie M at the airport, and I was just so relieved to be off airplanes. Bring on the vacation!
I forgot a camera, of course, so all the pictures I have from our trip were taken on my iPhone. So please excuse the quality, but here is a photographic recap of our days out west. It felt so good to relax, spend time with family, and soak up some sun.
The fruit in my grandparents’ yards was all a-bloom!
D and I thoroughly enjoyed our first visit to the Desert Museum, just west of Tucson in the Saguaro National Park. It’s gorgeous out there! I think the hummingbirds in that little sanctuary area thought D’s hat was a flower, because 1 of them flew right up to her head, which she loved.
Tuesday morning we took D up to the mini golf course before we left, and she had an absolute blast running around all the holes chasing her golf ball. We should have done that every day!
Those were 4 glorious days, and I’m so glad we were able to make the trip. We don’t see my grandparents nearly often enough, so I always love when they are able to spend time with D too.
We weren’t quite as excited for our flights home as we were for the ones heading out there, but it was wonderful to get to see Daddy again.
Ahhhh…In N Out! A must stop whenever we are visiting my parents in California. I’m craving a grilled cheese now.
@deannabe1 I LOVED In-N-Out!! I got a double double animal style and a side of animal fries. Holy delicious! Living in the Midwest we don’t have them, and I’ve always heard people rave about them. We discovered there’s one right near where my grandparents live, so it was a must-stop for lunch one day. It has to be my new favorite fast food. Too bad I won’t get to see it again until we make another trip west. 🙁
LOOOOOOVE this post!! The pictures are wonderful too. So happy you were able to enjoy the Desert Museum. Such a gem. So much I miss about that place: the mountains, hummingbirds, road-runners, the FOOD… you didn’t happen to hit up Cafe Poca Cosa did you?
@mommaneedsabeer Thanks, Kelli! I had you in mind the whole time I was writing this one. 🙂 No, we didn’t. I’ve never been to that restaurant actually. In what part of Tucson is it? We generally tend to stay toward the northern side and Oro Valley.
@_ScooterMarie CPC is downtown. http://cafepocacosatucson.com/ El Corral would be another place I’d recommend. The best prime rib I’ve *ever* had in my life. And I don’t eat red meat very often. That’s probably one of the reasons though — their prime rib was so good nothing could top it! 😉
@mommaneedsabeer Yum! Those both sound excellent. We’ll have to put them on the list for our next trip. Thanks!