We are back in school, we are in person, we are masked, we are 5 days a week, and we are at 2 different schools now. Whew!
As you’re well aware, it was heartbreaking for me when Della left our Cumberland gang. However, it’s actually working out pretty well. The middle school is awesome, I met all of her teachers at “Meet the Teachers” night last week and every single one is incredible, she gets to see at least some of her good friends from Cumberland every day, she’s continuing with band and has the same teacher as last year, and she still walks halfway to/from school with us. She even has her first cross country meet today! I’m so proud of how she’s handling this new independence, and I’m so relieved that I’m surviving, too. 😉

I could tell the first couple days without her were weird for the other 4, so I didn’t make a big deal about anything that was happening, but they’ve gotten into our new groove, too. Morrison has some of his very best friends in his class again this year, and his teacher seems wonderful. Lana has an amazing group of girls in her class that I’m so happy she’s become friends with; she was thrilled to get a mirror and pen caddy for her locker this year, too; and her teacher is absolutely fantastic. This month Della does have cross country practice right after school, so she walks home from that on her own. I can’t even tell you how weird it is seeing her just strolling in the door by herself at about 4:45! But she has most Fridays off of practice and it’s only a month-long season, so she’ll get to meet back up with us on the walks home soon.

I’m not sure if it’s the third-grade daily processes at school, being closer to 9 now than 8, her specific teacher, or just the stars and all the cosmic juju finally aligning, but Lana has shown a new level of maturity these past couple weeks that I have never seen from her. They got an assignment notebook from school on the first day, and they are tasked with writing down all of their nightly “to-do’s,” checking off everything as they finish it, then dog-earing the pages as they complete them. She puts her nightly reading in there, she puts her piano practice in there (the girls started those lessons a few weeks ago and they are going great, too!), she puts emptying all her lunch containers in there, she puts any extra assignments they get in there, she puts any school project needs in there…it’s great. I can also tell that she’s taking pride in this, which is another thing you don’t often see manifesting from her. I can’t possibly begin to describe how proud I am of her. I’m not outwardly making a big deal out of this either, because I don’t want to hype it up so much that she shys away from this great work and routine she’s gotten in, but I did very nonchalantly let her know the other evening how happy I was watching her do her notebook and enjoying being in charge of herself like this. She has started wanting to push the stroller to and from school, too, which I just love.

The twins are still turds on the daily, but even they get in some awesome bouts of calm play time together, too. So there may be hope yet! I just can’t believe those little squirts will be following Lana and Morrison through the Cumberland doors next year, even if only for half the day. Watch out!

So here we are. My days seem just as busy as when all 5 were home for some reason, but I’m loving every one. I’m so happy they’re all safely back at school, and I just hope everyone stays healthy. The social distancing aspect is obvioulsy decreased this year with no virtual option and a full week schedule, but masks are still mandatory, drinking fountains are still off (bottle fillers are definitely on, though, so kids just need to bring thier own water bottles), and hand washing and sanitizing is constant. So fingers crossed that we avoid any quarantines or shut downs this year.

Happy back-to-school, my loves! This feels like it’s going to be a great year, and I just can’t wait to see where it takes each of you. I love you all so, so much!