The twins turned 6 in January, and now they have to hold up 2 hands for fingers!

ETA: We finally had their 6-year well child checkup with our new pediatrician in September, and here are their official stats.
- Height: 4′ 0.03″ (68%)
- Weight:Â 50 lbs. 0.7 oz. (56%)
- Blood pressure:Â 100/54
- BMI:Â 15.25 (44%)
- Height: 4′ 0.82″ (80%)
- Weight:Â 48 lbs. 11.6 oz. (49%)
- Blood pressure:Â 102/58
- BMI:Â 14.37 (18%)
These 2 get crazier and better by the day. They can both now read entire books by themselves and are loving full-day kindergarten. I was the mystery reader in their class one morning recently, and they were so excited to see me walk into their classroom. This age is so much fun as they are learning more “big kid” schedules and responsibilities with full school days and everything those entail, yet are still the snuggliest of my crew, always coming to Mama for everything. I know those days are numbered, so I soak up every single second. Even the very loud, annoying ones.

Nat is still all about Mario, Cuphead, and pretty much any video game relating to those characters that he can get his hands on. He is crazy about cats, and I couldn’t figure out until just recently why that is. Della told me one day that it’s simply because it rhymes with Nat. No way, that can’t really be why, I thought, so I asked Nat. Yep, that’s the exact reason why. Well duh. He loves mac and cheese and pizza, bananas, strawberry whip yogurts, Lucky Charms cereal, and his favorite color is red. He told me a few months ago that he wanted to sign up for soccer, so they are going to take a little soccer lesson clinic this spring. Not a team yet, just learning the basics. We’ll see if he actually likes it, or if he just said that because he heard someone at school talking about soccer. He is incredibly athletic like Morrison and Lana, though, so he might take right to it.

Avit is the perfect complement to Mario and Cuphead with his Luigi and Mugman, but is much more into art and creating than video games. He’ll still play them, but he’ll grab a piece of paper and start creating first. He loves cocktail weinies, cuties, pancakes, and his favorite color is yellow. I don’t think he’s going to be nearly the athlete that Nat will be, but his artistic ability will for sure rival, if not surpass, Lana’s. The stuff he draws and thinks to create already is far beyond what she was doing at age 6. It’s crazy and mesmerizing and amazing. I told those 2 they should open some sort of art gallery or shop together someday. It would be incredible.

They are both doing so well in school. Their teacher said they are both kind, responsible, good listeners, and very respectful in class. I could not be more proud. They will probably be finished with their speech class after this year as well, which their speech teacher said is so unusual – kids normally have to go for a number of years, not just a little over 1. They’ve both made good friends at school, yet they are always each other’s go-to. I have a feeling they always will be.

It still blows my mind sometimes that we have twins. The years are 100% getting easier the older they get, as we are finally out of the bleary days and nights that were their infancy and toddler years. I much prefer it on this side!

Happy 6th birthday, Nat Jennings and Avit Jerome! We love you more than you could possibly know, and your snuggles, hugs, and lap cuddles make every single day amazing. You 2 have made our family big but complete, and I can’t wait to see where we all go with you! We love you so much!!
And here are the year-by-year photos and posts…