Happy April! This is one of my favorite months – the warm weather *usually* starts to settle in for good (although after this miserable winter i’m starting to have my doubts it’ll ever get above 40 again), the flowers and plants all start coming back to life for real after the couple March warmth fake-outs, it’s our anniversary month, and it finally feels like the year is starting fresh after the doldrums of winter hibernation. Plus, D turns 8 months old today. Happy 8 month birthday, you beautiful little girl!
So did anyone get any April Fool’s pranks played on them today? Or play any on someone else? Some people get totally into the tom foolery of this day, but I never really have. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a good prank or a spook every now and then, but I’ve never put cling wrap over the toilet bowl or short-sheeted anybody’s bed or told someone a ridiculous lie in the hopes of getting them to fall for it just to shout “April Fool’s!” once they realized it’s a joke. The Onion always has a great slew of fake headlines on April 1 – check it out:
OnMilwaukee.com has some good ones today too: http://onmilwaukee.com/
I am also happy to report that I made it out for a jog again yesterday. 2 days in a row?? Woah, slow down before someone gets hurt. I did the same route as the day before, and went 2 seconds faster – 1.44 miles in 13:04. Blazin’! I do need new running shoes, though. I noticed last night that it felt like I had nothing more between my pounding feet and the sidewalk than a flip-flop. Not good for preventing injuries.
This is a totally random post today, but this is too cool not to share. This is a bald eagle’s nest in Decorah, IA, and there are 3 eggs in there that are about ready to hatch. I’ve been watching it for a couple days now, since their expected hatch date is today. This morning was really neat – a second eagle flew into the nest and switched places with the one who had been sitting on the eggs, and you could see all 3 eggs in plain view. They each have a little hole in them, so those chicks have to be getting ready to greet the world. Nature is so awesome. Plus there’s a dead rabbit stuffed in the left side of the nest, maybe just for a mid-hatch snack. 🙂
And now for the FF of the week. I’ll turn to my quote book again, but it’s so hard to pick just one. So I’ll throw 2 atcha this time:
“Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It’s good to be silly at the right moment.” ~ Horace
“Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!” ~ Author Unknown