So remember how I said R’s a great cook and loves to take pictures of what he makes? Well check out what we had for dinner last night. BLADDOW!
Mushroom ragout-stuffed rolled beef tenderloin. Um, yes please, I’ll have two. 🙂 He served it with a side of spaghetti, then made some extra spaghetti sauce to go on top of both the beef and pasta. What a man!! For a beverage, we enjoyed a bottle of this:

It paired nicely with the beef – a smooth, easy-drinking red with none of the harsh throat-burning that some merlots can cause (i’m sure there’s a technical *wine* term for that, like it’s caused by tannins, or whatever, but i like to dumb my descriptions down to my wine level – do i like it, or don’t i like it?).
‘Twas a great way to wind down the weekend. Saturday we spent the afternoon and evening at our friends T & S’s house watching some NCAA tourney bball action and letting D play with their little girl, which was a lot of fun. Yesterday morning I got some house cleaning and laundry done while R did all the preparations for dinner. D’s cold intensified infinitely yesterday, unfortunately, so she spent all day coughing and battling snot rivers out of her nose. Poor little thing. She’d cough so hard she’d gag, which would in turn cause her to throw up anything she had in her. 🙁 Fortunately she was only up once last night and seemed a little better this morning with much less coughing, so we have our fingers crossed that we don’t get a call from daycare asking us to come pick her up today. We both were amazed, though, at how happy and playful she still was through all of it – nose wiped a million times, jammies changed 3 times due to barf eruptions, coughs to the point where you could tell her throat was so raw and sore, and very little napping.
And now here we are back at Monday again. How does that always happen so quickly?? I hope you all had a great weekend!