Unfortunately I don’t have a nice coherent, witty, intriguing, clever, or even very informative post for you today, so for that I apologize. I’ve been really busy this week wading through more social media waters and trying to better find my place in this bloggy-blog world, and it seems all my great ideas for posts have escaped me. All these awesome thoughts I have keep getting all jumbled up in my head and I can’t seem to get a good paragraph started with them. Even the notes I’ve jotted down for topics seem dull and mundane, so I’m skipping them until I can dress things up a little better for you.
This is going to be a very exciting weekend in a total non-blogging way. Have y’all checked out our home sports teams lately?? Dudes! The Badgers play Nebraska at Camp Randall tomorrow night in Nebraska’s first Big Ten game ever. They’re currently ranked #8 and we’re ranked #7. And we’re going!!!! Oooohh yeah, I can’t wait to jump around in that stadium.** I seriously think the place might fall down. I’ve heard estimates that Madison is expecting close to 20,000 Nebraska fans without tickets! Not to mention however many of them will actually be attending the game. Oh man, I’m getting excitement butterflies just thinking about it. Go Badgers!

The Brewers are in the playoffs! Woo hoo!!! The last time they made it was in 2008, and those were 2 of the most fun and electrifying sporting events I have ever attended. You could literally feel the excitement crawling through the crowd, and the stadium was alive with energy. Unfortunately we’ll have to catch this weekend’s baseball games on TV instead of being there live and in person, but that’s ok. I’m sure the vibes will easily reach into our living room as we cheer them on against the Diamondbacks.** Go Brewers!
The Packers are doing well too, but they beat my Bears last weekend so I don’t really care about them right now.
Oh, and tomorrow’s also the first day of October. Not exactly an earth-shattering announcement, but something of note nonetheless.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Hopefully I’ll be able to get my shit back together and have some engaging content for you next week. Until then…
**edit: so when i wrote this, i thought we were going to madison for the badgers game, but there were about 4 last-minute changes of plans. we’re now going to both brewers games this weekend instead. wowzers!