22 month stats

21 mo. pics late, but she’s such a screwball i couldn’t resist showing you.

D turned 22 months old last Friday, and that means she’ll be 2 in less than 2 months now! How in the world did that happen?

I just gave a pretty comprehensive update post for her 21 month stats not too long ago, so I’ll just supplement that one with developments since.

  • New words:
    • mess
    • baby (pretty good timing, i’d say)
    • milk (sounds more like moosh)
    • pink (sounds kind of like pish. i guess she likes her ks to make a sh sound)
    • yellow
    • oh no! (complete with hands out to the side and everything)
    • night-night
  • Adores singing the wheels on the bus song (has for awhile now, i just forgot to mention it), and is excellent at saying “shh” when the driver says, “shh, shh, shh!”. She even puts her little index finger up to her lips and everything. Too cute.
  • Knows to cover her mouth when she coughs, which they must have learned at daycare. When I saw her doing that I also taught her to sneeze into the crook of her arm. She doesn’t do that for real yet, though, only for fake sneezes.
  • Will imitate a burp or a fart. Has also been doing this for awhile now too, so ladylike.
  • Simply revels in shouting, “No, no, no!” and squirming away when you try to get her to do something or pick her up to brush her teeth/change her diaper/get her in the bathtub/etc. She’s not really serious about her No!s yet, more just imitating the word, but I can only imagine where it will lead in a few months. We discovered she picked this up at school too one day last week when we dropped her off and one of the little boys in her room was shouting “No!” over and over again. Excellent.
  • Loves playing outside, and has been a wonderful little helper in the gardens this spring. R built an entirely new retaining wall along the whole back garden, and she was out there at every opportunity, usually stomping around in her puppy flip-flops, swim suit, swim shirt, and sun hat. Very helpful.
  • Still having some bedtime issues with crying after we put her down, but I hope this is just a phase. She had gotten so good at reading her night-night stories and just going right into her crib to fall asleep, but for about a month now she insists on starting to cry about 2 minutes after you leave her room. Sometimes I’ll wait just outside her door after I put her down to watch and quiet her from afar if she starts whining, which seems to work, but I’d rather not have to do that either. I want the easy bedtimes back.
  • Thankfully she’s illness-free right now (knock on all things wood around you!), but her hands and feet peeled something wicked after that last round of HFM. Her poor little feet and toes are still really peeling; her hands appear to be almost finished. It’s like she was molting or something. Very odd.

I really can’t believe how big this little one is getting. She’s an adorable, hysterical little girl, and I can’t wait to see her as a big sister. I will always cherish her big fish lip kisses and giant bear hugs as only she can give.

official 22 mo. pics. doesn’t she look HUGE? where did those gangly arms & legs come from? still as goofy as ever, though!



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