12 month stats

Here I am again, later than ever for her biggest update post yet, because Lana is now closer to 13 months than to 12. But just a few weeks ago she turned ONE YEAR OLD!


I’m pretty sure I said it with Della, too, but it doesn’t so much seem hard to believe that she’s 1 now, but more surreal. Like I can’t really call or think of her as an infant anymore, since she’s cruising around the house with the rest of us. She reaches up on tables, chases after Della constantly, dives into the ball house to play all on her own, even enjoys playing outside in the giant leaf piles already.


We had her 12 month checkup last Wednesday, and unfortunately it turned into a sick visit as she had her most relentless cold to date. Thankfully we started amoxicillin that night and she was 100 times better in about 2 days. But either way, here are her official 12 month stats:

  • Height: 30.5″ (90%)
  • Weight: 19 lbs. 15 oz. (50%)
  • Head: don’t know the measurement, but it was 75%


Her walking gets better by the day, and we almost never see her crawl anymore. I know she started doing that last month, but now it really is her main mode of transportation. She’s even started trying to run, and we saw her jump a few weeks ago, too. That was about the funniest thing ever. She only got around a centimeter off the ground, but it was definitely a full-on two-footed jump. In her tiny Badger slippers, to boot.


She still eats basically everything herself. I don’t think she’s met a food yet that she doesn’t like, but I have noticed that pasta in tomato-based sauces are not her favorite. She has begun taking a little lunchbox to work just like Della instead of 2 little cups since she needs more food to fill up. Such a big girl.


I think she’s about done with daytime bottles, too. She’ll still drink a pretty good amount when she wakes up in the morning, but before/after naps and even at bedtime she drinks hardly any now. She loves drinking out of cups, though, so I think I may try giving her milk in them at meals again. I tried to do this a month or so ago, whenever she first started drinking water from a cup, but she just made a mess with the milk. Maybe she’s progressed enough by now, though, to actually drink it.


There was 1 big step this month – we FINALLY moved her crib out of our bedroom and into Della’s, the weekend after her birthday. So it’s now “the girls'” bedroom. Once she started sleeping through the night this summer I didn’t bother, because she was then such a good sleeper. Plus I remembered what a pain it was to fully disassemble the crib to move it between rooms, after having done it when I was pregnant to get it into our room in the first place. But I finally bit the bullet and did the manual labor, and it was a pretty smooth transition. The first couple nights she let out a few cries at bedtime, I’m sure just getting used to her new surroundings, but now there are no problems. I had to start staggering them for afternoon naps, though, letting Lana get fully asleep before having Della go to bed, or vice versa if Lana took a morning nap and isn’t sleepy by the time Della is. And occasionally Della just sleeps in our bed if Lana is messing around too much in her crib and taking too long to get to sleep and I need them both to go down somewhere.


Speaking of naps, I can’t decide if she’s going to stop taking a morning nap all together or not. When she does take one I try to push it earlier now, say closer to 9 or before if at all possible, so she’s plenty tired when it’s time for her afternoon nap to match up with Della’s around 1-1:30. On days she doesn’t take a morning nap she’s usually ready to go down by 12:30 or so, which is ok, but then I just try to get Della down closer to 1 than 2 so they overlap for a longer period of time. I’m pretty sure Della was down to only 1 nap by the time she turned 1, but she was also at daycare full-time then, in a noisier/busier room all day. Most days when we’re home now I can still get L to take her morning nap. And if she does happen to fall asleep at work, I just have them wake her before 11.

She’s actually forming some recognizable words, which is great:

  • hi
  • bye-bye
  • nigh-night
  • bubbles
  • purple
  • map
  • dada (either dada or della or both)
  • mama
  • no (of course)
  • yeah
  • pop
  • clap-clap
  • choo-choo
  • knock knock
  • boo (for peek-a-boo)
  • yuck
  • sock

She also loves to clap and roll her hands like when you play pat-a-cake, and she does the tickle me signal for when you put the cake in the oven. She’s becoming quite a good mimic. Yesterday she started rubbing her hands together and putting them on her tummy when she saw me putting on lotion after my shower. She will also comb her hair, and she’s a whiz with all the magnets on the fridge. Having Della to watch and imitate definitely helps in this category.


I think those are the main things for this month. She has now moved up to size 4 daytime diapers and size 5 overnights in Seventh Generation, and wears size 12 month or 18 month clothes. Her shoes are about a 2-3 now, too.

Lana Marie, I tell ya. This one is about as funny and lovable as they come!

And now the comparisons. Here is Della’s 12 month post; here is the picture with D on the left and L on the right.

D L 12

And finally, here is the collage from Lana’s first full year. I have a hunch I probably will not continue this past 12 months, so enjoy it while you can!

L 12 Collage





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