So here’s 2018 in a nutshell – we’re having twin boys in 3 weeks. !?!?!

That’s also the reason my second half of 2017 posting was even less frequent than normal by my terrible posting standards. I wanted to tell you all about our summer and the trips we took. I wanted to tell you all about our holidays. I wanted to show you pictures of everything. However, growing and trying to get our house and family ready for 2 babies at once has proven more exhausting than I expected, so unfortunately this blog got pushed waaaaaay down on the priority list.

I’m really hoping it won’t get lost all together once the babies are born, but I’m definitely not promising an increase in posts. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some pictures up, though, so you can all see these little guys.

Here are a couple pictures, though. This was our New Year’s Eve family photo, plus a silly one. Will they be our last ones together before we’re a family of 7?? Stay tuned and bear with me…


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