Yesterday the new umbrella stroller we ordered arrived, so I put it together and gave D a few spins around the house to test it out. She loved it.

I wanted to get some cleaning done last night too, so while R napped in the living room I toted D around in the bedrooms with me. After almost scooting off our bed backwards while we were in there, I figured the confinement of her crib would be a better spot for her when we moved into her room. That way she couldn’t scoot out the door and escape on me either. 😉 She is rarely in her crib besides to sleep, so she was having a ball scooting around and playing with her toys and blankets in there. Look what she discovered she can do now, too:

She is becoming one very busy little girl, as you can tell by the blur factor in some of the pictures, and is thisclose to figuring out how to crawl instead of scoot. Then we will be in trouuuuuble. Look out house, I’m comin’ through!
so precious!