Lana turned 11 last month, and I just love watching her grow into this amazing, smart, funny, ridiculously creative big kid. It’s like every time I think I’ve got her figured out or know what’s coming next, she throws me for an incredible loop that makes life with her just get better and better.

ETA: We had her 11-year-old checkup in November, and all is healthy! Her doctor ordered a blood draw to check her cholesterol, and that was normal, too. Apparently between the ages of 9-11 they can determine genetic cholesterol conditions that would otherwise be undetectable at other ages. Poor kid got her vaccination shot, tetanus shot, flu shot, and blood draw for that all in the same afternoon. So I got her some candy at the clinic pharmacy on our way out. Here are her official 11-year stats:
- Height: 4′ 11.25″ (79%)
- Weight: 84 lbs. 6 oz. (53%)
- Blood pressure: 112/62
- BMI: 16.9 (40%)
Her artisitc ability is undeniable. She’s entered this local art show 2 years in a row now and still hasn’t gotten chosen to showcase, but she’s also entering against all adults. I know in my heart and soul one of these years she’ll be chosen to be featured, and they will be blown away. She loves acrylic paints, pencil with shading, and is super into gue/slime right now. I will forever be astonished by her creations, because I have never been nor will ever be able to draw anything anywhere close to what she can do.

She struggled so much with math in school last year, so I was really nervous for her going into 5th grade this year. But I just had her parent-teacher conference right after her birthday, and she is absolutely soaring. Her teacher even said that she’d done so well in the math unit they just finished that she was going to push her harder in these upcoming units to see just how much she can do. I was blown away! Her scores on every math test and checkpoint in class plus the standardized tests from this fall are leaps and bounds higher than last year and back up where she used to be. All of her other subjects are great, too, and she loves writing. They recently completed a personal narrative in class, which she really enjoyed. Her goals for this year include getting better at social studies and getting good grades, and my pride for her grows exponentially when I learn tidbits like that about her. Because her often stonefaced, “meh” persona rarely belies the genius that lies beneath.

She plays the #2 child role in the family perfectly. She’s more than happy to let Della take lead of the siblings while she does her own thing, but when it’s her turn to be in charge, she steps up to the plate beautifully. She just passed her Red Cross babysitting class, and we had no qualms leaving all 5 of them home together when we recently went to Madison for a football game day.

Nigh-Night is her forever friend; she loves monkeys and sloths; she tried water skiing for the first time this summer and almost got up on her very first try with her natural athletic ability; she fearlessly tries stunts that would make most kids cower, like rock jumping and flipping off diving boards; she likes all things outer space and would love to be an astronaut; she can do the worm better than anyone I’ve ever met; she likes the color purple and cheesecake; her favorite foods are still sushi, meatloaf, and Thai beef with sticky rice; and her life dreams include being a glass blower, lava collector, owning a little shop, traveling the world, and just having a life that is fun and exciting. She keeps her confidence quiet, but she is not shy about letting it out to roar when it needs to. Never give that up, my love! No one will keep you down.

Happy 11th birthday, my sweet baby girl, our little Lana Marie! You have made our world so much better simply by being in it, and for that I will be forever grateful to you. I hope you had wonderful birthday celebrations and have the most magical year ahead. We love you to the stars and back and if I could lasso all of them and give them to you I would, because you deserve nothing less!!

And now for the throwback pics and posts, from Baby Lana to today. This one’s amazing!